Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life

Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life
Things through a different light...

Sunday, July 11, 2010


This is the only word in the English language to describe my feeling as of late... formal or not.
I have been sick
School is a pain
I cant really work
and I am tired of sitting in my bedroom...completely tired of it.

I have thus read TWO books on World War One... they are happy little tomes I tell you.
One the English Experience, one The German both writing with angst and disillusionment about a war started with the most noble of intentions from the soldiers even though it was a cloud of political confusion which started the whole mess in the first place...
The remnants of an old world, the movers and shakers, Imperial designs on a modern world and... modern technology no one knew how to use...
What a great combo...
After this, I am going to read something so happy its sick and then sit in some flowers for a while, I feel a bit down.
and I wrote a poem, but its for no one's eyes but my own

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