Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life

Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life
Things through a different light...

Thursday, December 15, 2011


One of the first Anne Rice books I read, not counting Interview... amazing.

     I adore Anne Rice, and I can easily say she is my favorite author, now I do not like all of her books, I am not a big fan of her Christ books she did, just not my thing...but even her non-supernatural stuff is beautiful to me.  

I remember reading Interview with the Vampire as a child, yea I know...I'm special.  

The first time I picked it up was in an old used book shop that used to be on Davis Drive out here in Warner Robins, my Nana (most awesome) took me there to buy me some books and since I didn't really read a lot of kids books...I found myself with this used and beat up version of Interview, I remember it because it had real people on the cover and it was creepy.

So, after reading a good bit of the vampire chronicles and reading Cry to Heaven...which is one of the BEST Anne Rice books EVER written....
A novel about the Italian Castrati singers.... beautiful.
I picked up The Mummy.

This is the ONE book that Anne Rice doesn't have a sequel to that she SHOULD.... omg, its amazing.  If you have not read it, read it.... and if you like mummies, you will adore this.
Its wonderful, and Rice did a good bit of research on Egypt before she wrote it, its lovely.

“The Romans can not be condemned for the conquest of Egypt; we were conquered by time itself in the end. And all the wonders of this brave new century should draw me from my grief and yet I can not heal my heart; and so the mind suffers; the mind closes as if it were a flower without sun” Work has seriously cut into my reading time!  Damn the holidays, but I will say that Midnight Rising is starting to pick up and I am enjoying it, Horowitz has a great storytelling style.  
I did find a new book I wanted to read today...


The Title alone makes me chuckle, its 22 dollar ebook price is typical for history books and I suspect I will purchase it with christmas gifts.

I know I am already pretty well versed in the history of England, but you know.... never can know enough.  ;)

Speaking of knowledge!!!!

This day in history!!!!!

1917 – World War I: An armistice is reached between the new Bolshevik government and the Central Powers.

WOOOOO WWI FTW!  I shouldnt like a war so much.

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