Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life

Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life
Things through a different light...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Day in the Life

So with Grad School, work, and baby on the way, my time is pretty strict.  I usually get up around 7 AM on off days (or days I work in the afternoon) and attempt to tackle as much work as possible before bed or work.  Sometimes its productive and sometimes I find myself having to stop every few moments to attend to the whining rhythm of This...

This is Lizzie, the 1 1/2 year old giant baby of a boxer who is my constant companion.  Most of the day, she either sits on the side of the sofa facing me while I work or she is harrassing our schnauzer with bites on the ear or sneak attacks to entertain herself...

She is a good dog, but at times her need for attention outweighs my need to finish work lol...and thus I am forced to stop what I am doing and play a bit or talk to her or hug her or do something to make sure she understands that I do have a few minutes (if not she runs into the back and finds something of mine and quickly brings it to my attention by holding it in front of me with her mouth).

But today, she has been pretty good...though the pic with the shoe is awesome and I stopped for like 10 minutes and played.

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