Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life

Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life
Things through a different light...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Reality of the Founders

Over the past few weeks, I've read a few books on the Founders for one of my classes that did not demonize them or make them out to be these icon level inhuman creatures who magically created our government... the books instead demonstrated the humanity of these men, the normality of their lives in extreme circumstances... their wisdom and their failings and instead of making them untouchable...made them understandable.  Were many of them highly intelligent and skilled leaders during an unprecidented time?  Yes, but they were also petty and angry and backstabbing....just like any other politician.  I liked the books, and if you would like to gain a better understanding of the time when our country came together... I suggest reading them both.

Affairs of Honor  and Revolutionary Characters  

Check them both out, Great reads, not boring and pretty interesting.  I dare you not to laugh out loud when you read about the fight with the hickory stick and the fire tongs on the Senate Floor.

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