Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life

Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life
Things through a different light...

Friday, March 29, 2013

Why is it So Hard?

I do not want to live in Middle Georgia.  I do not have any sort of seething hatred for the area and this is not a slight against those who do want to live here (though some people I know take it that way...), but Adam and I have wanted to move out of the area for years and no...we are not confused, and yes we KNOW what we want to do (was told I didn't know what I wanted).... and it is slightly frustrating when someone just assumes you are wrong or you do not know what you are doing or tries to guilt you into not leaving.  

We are not trying to hurt anyone's feelings, we just want to go other places.  In addition, some people have career goals, and mine includes obtaining a PhD in history, and there are no PhD programs in Macon, Georgia.  It is hard to sit and not get annoyed when you are basically made to feel that your family won't even consider visiting you if you decide to move somewhere inconvenient for them.  Sometimes I wonder, when is my life and my family's life about us???

One of the schools I want to go to is UC San Diego and you would think I was applying to a college on the moon... 

What is the stigma with cities or the West?  Do you know how many people act like New York or San Diego are these seats of thunderdome levels of violence and danger??  I don't get it... I never will.  I love cities, it is my dream to live in one.

And no, no place is perfect and I am sure wherever we move there will be things we do not like, but we will be going somewhere we want to go and that is important.  I am going to stay positive and look forward to the coming changes and hope that those who do not support our decisions one day see that sometimes we have to do what is best for us, and what makes us happy.

Who would not want to live here?????

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