Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life

Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life
Things through a different light...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Political Rant

     I am pretty political.  I try not to go on facebook tyraids or berate people who disagree with me because I do not believe that is in any way constructive, but it also does not mean that I am void of strong opinions.
Oh and by the way...this is not Facebook... I AM NOT  trying to debate you on the fine points of the argument, this is how I feel... This is my sounding board, thanks.

I have very strong opinions.

The government shut down struck a nerve with me for a few reasons.

1. Obstructionism is the bane of the democratic design.  Stomping your figurative political foot because a law went into effect that you did not like, does not mean you can lock the doors and ruin everyone else's day.  This is not a glowing review of the ACA (Obamacare), I am not satisfied with the Health Care law... I do not believe it will fix the inherent problems in the health care system that comes from the fact that health care for the average American is too expensive and the industry is too much of a profit making business to work properly for the health of all involved.  At the same time, I think that perhaps the ACA is a starting point, and we can move forward from it and perhaps work towards a system that will give affordable health care to anyone who gets sick.
My high minded pretentious self only says this...
Anyone who thinks a person's income should determine whether or not they should be able to go to the doctor when they are sick... needs to take some compassion lessons and stop being so heartless.

2.  You aren't doing anything for the betterment of the country when you sit on your ass and get paid 174k dollars a year while hundreds of thousands of federal employees are furloughed because you cannot find the time in your busy post office naming and vacation taking schedule to do your damned job.  If anything has actually pushed me to the point of is the fact that congress makes WAY too much money to be so completely useless.  I do not see how anyone votes in any of these guys that voted to put people who make 1/5th of what these guys make just to make a point about how they dont like a healthcare bill.  Honestly guys... pass a bill...Your record is dismal, you are now historically the LEAST PRODUCTIVE CONGRESS IN HISTORY.  

3. Be Real.
Listen, if you are Ted Cruz and for some reason you are so insane that you somehow believe that Obamacare is going to ruin the planet and will lower us back into a state of serfdom or whatever spew you are trying to get votes with...perhaps you should stand beside your own decisions.  When you stood up and read Green Eggs and Ham or told everyone to shut down the government (yes I know those two things are separate) and that our debt default isnt a bad thing  (you are insane for that by the way dude)... you were standing up against something you say you believed in.  Well... just practice what you preach.  If you want to shut down the government like a grown up toddler, that.  But do not have the audacity to show up at a veteran's rally in PROTEST against the government shut down because some monuments were closed because YOUR decision furloughed the employees.... 
IF you believed in what you were spewing to get more TV time so you could fantasize about your eventual dismal presidential run....then you would fully back the closure of those parks, because you were proving a point.  BUT noooo Ted.... you showed up, protesting the evils of shutting down that memorial...with SARAH do what, play to cameras and genuinely attempt to dupe people who support you into thinking you were on their side.... 
I know it is a lot to ask a politician to be honest...
but it shouldnt be....

So yea, I can be political and I try not to be bellicose about it or aggressive to people I disagree with, even when they post memes that are completely baseless and wrong....
but I do have opinions... and this whole shutdown facade to get more votes so people can keep their house seats and their easy pay or so people can keep their leadership positions all while literally screwing over the population riles even me up.  

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