Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life

Books, History, Food, Politics, and Life
Things through a different light...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Smart Gun Control Does Not Oppose Liberty

There are a lot of articles surfacing on the internet, in the news, and in papers recently that resemble this one:  

Stephen Henderson: The right way to stop gun violence

In response, there are a lot of claims that any method of gun control infringes on a person's liberty and their right to own a gun...which is, let us just face it, wrong.
Just because you have an oddly worded right to own a firearm in a document written in the 18th century does not mean that our government cannot enforce laws that protect the lives and in turn liberty of other people from getting shot by illegally purchased guns in the wrong hands... which are at the core of gun violence in America.

I am not going to diminish the weapons like the AR-15 and high capacity clips that are military grade and have no business in the hands of those who are not in the military, but I am going to state that more people get killed from common handguns than those who are killed in mass shootings... so we need to look at both if we really want to curb violence (the trick is there are some who I don't think care... like the NRA, they care about money... not people).  

So look at this article and realize that enforcing laws that make sure guns are purchased legally whether in a store or between two people is IMPORTANT.
In addition, having stricter enforced laws on improper ownership and sales is crucial when addressing the real problem.  That does not infringe on a person's right to own a gun...that is common sense and safe....

So... we need to ask ourselves... why are the people in the NRA saying that they will not support such sensible legislation???

Because any gun sale is a good thing for an organization that gets a ton of money from weapons and ammo manufacturers.

I wish people would wake up.

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