We spend our lives trying to sway people to what we believe. There is nothing wrong with that, its perfectly natural...human and we are all human.I had someone attempt to tell me tonight that we are not all human, or not all equally human at least and it disturbed me so very much... I wanted to shake the person and say NO...LISTEN TO YOURSELF...but what would that prove really?
I was accused of being politically correct tonight because I said I wanted to be respectful of all ethnicities and I would not agree that different ethnicities means lesser/more human...
This guy, as nice as he may be on a social level.. is a racist, a bigot, a person who looks at someone who is not white and thinks they are lesser than he...and that is, without a doubt, disgusting.
Its sad to me... that you can look at another person and see anything but another human being.
Why is it so easy to separate everyone out into neat little groups...so we can diminish them, push them to the side, or make ourselves better?
He tried to tell me science could prove different ethnicities should stay with each other because genetically its good for you...and when I argued the bad side of social darwinism, he said I was being political...
but... is it politics to think all people are equal?
This guy has always seemed to be as a bright, intelligent, and nice person...
but then there is this...giant elephant now...racist, judgmental... wrong... and I think to myself... why?
How do people turn into this?
And of course... im leftist, liberal, a communist, a fascist... because I wont agree that we should separate ethnicities and
"its true that some races are better at some things than others..."
NO NO NO...thats just wrong, and ignorant, and wrong...
but calling someone stupid wont change anything.
The world is a complicated place...some of the arguments I heard tonight reminded me of the racial testing done back in the 50s to legitimize Jim Crowe in America, or the things the Nazis were doing to the Jews or the mentally disabled in Germany in the 1930s and 1940s...
I cannot look at another human being regardless of their race, creed, or faith and see anything except a human being...
Its heartbreaking to know people think the way this guy does and I couldnt really open up about it on facebook...but I had to get it out, because I'm screaming about it on the inside.